For Those About To Rock!!!!!

You have my salute

Saturday, January 29, 2005

Bentleys, Ass...Cut

Torque is starting on Cinemax right now and I can't decide whether or not to turn the channel. I know it is bad but does that mean it is any worse than what is on the other channels? If I flip now I will miss the beginning of the movie - what if I flip through all the other channel and accept that Torque is my best option? I will be totally out of the loop then.

Stranger Than Fiction

The other day I had a pretty candid discussion with my dad about my dating life. More candid than I am with a lot of my friends even. Aside from the fact that I never really tell my dad anything, what was really weird is that he was pretty cool about it. Obviously I didn't go into the specifics of my sex life or anything but usually he is judgemental about everything I do. It was so strange that with this thing that would be so easy to judge, he would just leave it alone.

Friday, January 28, 2005

Staying In

Every once and a while, you just need a night in, you know? Tonight I have decided to turn down the invitations from friends and dates in favor of a night with my dogs, my English comp paper and iTunes. It is so relaxing. I feel like it has been a all-go, no-quit kind of week and I didn't even get everything done.

Don't forget, tomorrow is the Skate and Bake at Roll-o-rama, as I can not skate, you will find me at the bake sale table.

The new cruelty...

I am oddly fascinated by my upcoming surgery. It will definitely be more painful than the last but I think I am getting a lot out of it for my money. Check this out:

Donor Achilles Tendon and a bit of bone (which will be used for my new ACL)
A relocated iliotibial band and big metal screw
An EndoButton (which sounds more exciting than it is).
A few quality scars, which I find really sexy.

Here is a drawing of the endobutton and donor tendon in action:

It's pretty hot huh?

Many people might be bothered by the idea of some dead person's body parts being in them. For me, it is the exact opposite - I find it exciting. I am not sure exactly why I feel that way. I will have to give it some more thought.

The downside of my upcoming surgery is that I won't be able to drive for a while after and I am not sure how that will affect my school situation but I will figure it all out.

Thursday, January 27, 2005

It's just all wearing me down...

How could it be so hard to find some fun guy to have regular sex with? I am just not a complicated girl and am not looking for something serious. You would think that I would be the perfect catch. Every freaking time I go out the same thing happens, either I think they are hot but they aren't interested or vice versa. The problem with the vice versa is that I feel like a complete ass.

Take last night for instance - nice guy, into the same things I am into, we talk for like four hours. But no matter how much I drank, I just couldn't get into him. I feel like a jerk. The one comfort that I take in it is that it isn't just some superficial looks thing. Some of the guys I have been hot for recently were not as good looking as this guy. It just really is some sort of weird "chemical" thing, for lack of a better explanation.

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Genetic Drift and Chaos Theory

Today during my biology lecture I began thinking about how or if the fact that genetic drift only affects small populations has some sort of ramifications on the associated chaos. Like would the genetic drift trigger some small, imperceptible change that would then again affect evolution? Maybe there is no correlation between the two but if any of you know something about it, could you please let me know? I emailed mike earlier, since this is right up his alley (boy advice - bad, science - good) but I will have to wait until sometime tomorrow for a response and I can't get off of it.

Bad Guys are my spanish fly

I am trying to get excited about this date I have tomorrow but I just can't get into it. I just have this feeling he is going to be too nice. I have spent the better part of the last day or so wondering why it is that I am so attracted to the bad guy. Like the more they act like a jerk, the more into it I am. Of course, some of it is the concept of "chase" but I think it is more like the line from annie hall (and groucho marx) that says "I wouldn't want to be in any club that would have me for a member".

It doesn't have anything to do with my self esteem, like somehow I am not good enough for the good guy - that isn't it at all. So what is it? I really can't figure it out. I spent six years plus with Ivan dealing with this and I really thought that after that and my little dating hiatus, I was over it. Recent events suggest otherwise. I have definitely evolved though, unlike Ivan, I don't think I should be dating the bad guy anymore - it just totally turns me on.

I guess what I am looking for is someone who is actually really nice but will indulge me and act really really mean right before (and a bit during) sex. There is my order, print it up.

New Logo

We have finally decided on a new logo (part of the new era where Amanda doesn't do everything). Although her socks bother me, it is very cute.

Can't Sleep

As the longer time readers will remember, I have had some serious problems with insomnia in the past. Since my accident those issues seem to have subsided - my personal theory is that I sleep more so that I don't have to deal with the pain. Anyway, I can't sleep tonight and considering how long past insomnia bouts have lasted, it always makes me a bit edgy when this happens.

Though the truth is that I had two large coffee beverages today and that is probably what is keeping me up. Now that I am back in school, I have resumed my pre school coffee schedule. Basically, I have been almost totally off coffee since my accident so it probably explains the not sleeping.

The Monkey doesn't understand why we are awake. As I type this, he is resting his head on my shoulder and it seems as he is pleading with me to turn off the light and go to sleep. Monkey is not a demanding dog but he is pretty transparent when it comes to his wants and needs. Okay, he just got up and went into the other room. Totally fed up with me.


Blogging friends, look how updatey I have been recently. I am trying to get better about updating now that I am feeling a bit more social. Though I am sure that will all go to hell once I start working again. I recently met someone who up and quit their job to do what they really wanted instead of what they were expected to do. I am soooo jealous. I can't even figure out what I really want to do (in short term, that is - long term - vet) let alone muster enough guts to quit my job.

(right now the Indigo Girls are on a rerun of Conan - it feels as though they are actually going to make me physically ill - maybe I should turn the channel)


There is some new rollergirls inner circle push to get rollergirl tattoos (whatever that looks like). Apparently there is some tattoo shop that would like to be a RMRG sponsor so I guess that means reduced price tattoos. I am not sure that a discount exactly makes for a good reason to get one though.

I only have one tattoo that I gave myself when I was 13. Although that seems really tough, it actually didn't hurt at all for some reason. I feel fairly certain that wouldn't be the case with a pro tattoo. Though knowing me I would probably get off on the pain.


The Rollergirls have a few events coming up - please feel free to repost in your respective online worlds:

1/29 - Skate and Bake
Roll-o-rama (8370 Welby Rd Thornton)
This is the first PG rated event for RMRG. From 12-3pm we will be hosting a family skate and bake sale. $4 gets you admission, free pizza from Benny Blancos and skates. There will also be a free potluck and baked goods for sale.

2/11 - Jell-O shots at Revo
Revoluciones (3519 Brighton Blvd)
Revo will be hosting a show featuring The Swayback, Atlas and some other bands. The Rocky Mountain Rollergirls will be selling Jell-o shots. There will be plenty of whip cream on hand.
Incidentally I will be making the Jell-o shots, I am so good at it that you should totally come out. I have made my jell-o shot creation a science (I wish I had everclear, though).

2/12 - KBDI Sports Auction
Channel 12 5 or 6pm
Though I am sure we will all be totally hung over from the previous evening's activites, RMRG will be working the phone banks at the KBDI sports auction. Look for us in our cutey pie shirts with our hot new logo. We will also have a few minutes to plug the rollergirls.

3/12 - Warehouse Party
Address TBA
We will be hosting a warehouse party with bands and full bar (maybe some skating too) at one of Denver's favorite party warehouses. The details haven't been fully nailed down though and we are not yet allowed to announce location so keep an eye out for updates.

Monday, January 24, 2005

There wasn't even anyone worth giggling to...

Believe me, if there had even been one guy on Operation Manhunt worth conning into giving me a ride home, I totally would have done it. It was just one lame guy after another. When I am turned on by someone, I am really turned on but it is the same way with turned off. When I am not into it, I am really not into it.

Evan, I understand your drinking and driving concern and considering your last three months, I know I have absolutely no point to argue but I was really ok. I am usually pretty good at figuring out when it isn't ok for me to drive.

I looked so fabulous today

I don't know what it was but I looked totally hot. I think it was because my hair was up and I was wearing the sexy glasses. The problem with me and looking hot is that once I think a certain look works, I work it right into the ground. I will try to spread it out a bit.

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Maybe there is no Xanadu...

Recent developments suggest that the elusive "no strings sex" aka "Bootie Call" may not exist. Someone always has a hidden agenda. It seems lately every time I consider some new dating adventure, one of my friends has an experience totally go south that parallels what I was considering. It is freaking me out a bit. Today it is bootie calls and a few weeks ago it was dating friends of friends. What will it be next?

Operation Manhunt = Complete Bust

Last night's operation manhunt couldn't have been a bigger waste of time. Though we did assess that a employed yuppie type is NOT better than an unemployed hipster type. Ugh, we actually saw guys in cable knit sweaters last night. At one point I put on my glasses (which I usually only use for the computer and to make me look oh so sexy) so that I wouldn't have to look at anyone.

And when did the Rhino Room close? That was a unfortunate discovery. That shit was mingle-ly, if a little lame.

So the night came to an end with Cat phoning up her bootie call and us waiting for him to pick her up on Colfax. It is so charming, all nights should end like that. To make matters worse, she made me discuss cultivating my "bootie calls" with him and he didn't really have any helpful advice. Yet, he was convinced by the end of the call that I shouldn't be driving myself home (though I did and I was fine). I felt like such a loser last night. At least it is in a way that is really funny this morning.

Hey buddy my face is up here

I am off to another fun day of English Composition. This time I am opting to wear something a bit less revealing.