I don't really have anything exciting to report. The last few weeks have been busy but I am not really sure with what. Most likely domestic things like house cleaning, lawn mowing and the like. Not that this house was ever orderly but it has really become chaotic since daniel moved his stuff in. We are trying hard to straighten it out.
Right now I am drying tomatoes in the oven because sun dried tomatoes are so expensive. It it going well but what the exercise is really teaching me is that sun dried tomatoes aren't that expensive. I paid about $1.50/lb for the romas that I am drying and bought two pounds. I have saved the jar from the last time I bought sun dried tomatoes for comparison purposes. I am guessing that, at best, the ones I am drying will fill up half the jar. The jar cost me $4.29. So maybe this little exercise is fruitless. I guess it would be different if I grew tomatoes or something but I can't even successfully grow grass.
I got my $17 ebay wedding dress - it is cute but the neckline is a little higher than I would like. Mostly I just don't want to think about the wedding at all. I really want to be married but the more I think about it, the more I am hating the idea of having a wedding ceremony in front of people. I was watching some people on tv get married at city hall and I was so jealous. It is a weird thing - I am fine with all the party planning and what not - I would rather just be alone. However, that isn't an option so I have gotten over it and am moving on - or something. Mostly I just think "oh we'll deal with it later" has been my approach to wedding planning lately.
We have spent a great deal of time thinking about how much we want to move back to California. I am loving, seriously loving, my new job - I don't think I have ever had a better one. But it is just barely enough to keep us here. Although we are happy with our life, we are not happy in denver - for various reasons. Mostly for me, I came to denver for a couple very specific reasons and now all those reasons are gone or irrelevant so what is the purpose of staying? Well, for right now, it is just the job. Did I mention that I love it?
The one thing about denver that has been great are the girls. I haven't had this many girl friends since seattle and it is awesome. The thing is guy/girl friendships can be really bogus and volatile and they are subject to all these outside influences that friendships with members of the same sex are not. I hate to say it, but dave and ariel will know what I am talking about, it is really like the When Harry Met Sally phenomenon. The movie is the fictional proof that men and women really have no business being friends. There are of course exceptions and I am sure that someone wants to point out to me that Harry and Sally were in fact friend but they weren't. They got married and basically locked the early message of the movie in. Anyway, girls can be catty and bitchy but typically, the dynamic of the relationship doesn't change. Lately I have really been liking that. Like I may not see the rollergirls or my other girl friends that much but when I do it is still really fun - we talk about the same things and do the same things. With guys, well you just never know, one day you can talk about anything and the next everything has become off limits for some reason. I am not a super girly girl so I have always liked hanging out with guys but lately it has just seemed way to complicated.
So that is about it for me. I haven't called my parents in forever. My mom and my step dad got my sister's birthday wrong by a year and her cake said 22 instead of 23. Typical for them actually. At least she got a cake.
Oh Daniel made me watch some GI Joe episodes and I have to say, they are actually pretty good. They have pretty complex plots for a little cartoon. We have also bought season 1 muppet show and fraggle rock DVDs and they are awesome.
It is very nice today and I am determined to take my dogs on an adventure. They really need it, they have a lot of pent up energy.