For Those About To Rock!!!!!

You have my salute

Saturday, July 03, 2004

Teddy R.I.P

This morning while superStar and Monkey were out in the backyard, I heard monkey let out his one little bark, which usually signifies that superStar has jumped the fence again. When I got outside, I discovered superStar and Monkey playing Tug-O-War with my most beloved Teddy Bear. He was in shreds, or I should say more shreds than before and had been decapitated. I don't really understand how Monkey got a hold of him as he was sitting on the top of my dresser. Perhaps he slipped off? After I determined that he couldn't be put back together, I spent the following two hours on a hysterical crying jag. Some of you may recall that I have had this bear since a little after my birth and that, in my younger years, I couldn't even leave the house without him. Dependable and true, he was the one constant in my life. He is survived by no one seeing as he outlived my parent's marriage, several cats, all my bad relationships (up to this point, at least) and my youth. He will be missed...a lot.

Friday, July 02, 2004

I just realized..

I think that if you read my perfect band combo below, it just comes out as Queen. That is not what I intended. I will give it more thought.

No Sleep till...

For some reason, I couldn't sleep at all last night. Although that is pretty normal for me, with the being an insomniac and all, I have been sleeping really well lately so it is a little weird and worrisome. I don't want to get back on the insomniac train right now, I have too much stuff to do. If it is just the one night though, it wasn't that bad. I caught up on my email correspondence at about 4:30am and found out all about Mary-Kate Olsen's anorexia from People Magazine (which can only be read in the middle of the night when the brain cells aren't working). Plus I got an early start on my work at about 5am. Here is a really sad confession, that makes me look far stupider than I actually am: The only crossword puzzles I can finish are the ones in People and TV Guide.

Finally some sunny days

What has been with all the rain here lately? Talk about uncharacteristic. Yesterday was the first really nice day in, I don't even know how long. So I took my dogs to the park and they played so hard that they are still sleeping. Lucky Them.

Fashion Emergency

I am going through a thing where I hate all my clothes but don't want to buy more because I would rather put the money into my house or upcoming trip. I think I am going to have to break down and buy some though. I should clarify that I actually have plenty of clothes and don't really need more (except for jeans, I never seem to have enough jeans), I just want different ones.

My Perfect Band

I have been trying to think about if I could combine bands to make one perfect band, which would I use? It is a complex little game in my head as I first have to establish ground rules. Rules like can the band be from any era? (yes) Could it be a solo artist? (yes) Could I use 15 bands (no, I think the cutoff should be four). Plus I have to give myself reasons why. I am making it even harder on myself than I have to because I am trying to not use bands that I view as derivative because that would be like a bigger combination of bands once you got into their influences. So basically I can only use really ground breaking bands or one band from a ground breaking era or sound.
Right now this is my best one:

The showmanship rock stylings of Styx combined with
The harmonies of the Beach Boys combined with
The glamour and girl factor Dusty Springfield combined with
The heartbreaking lyrics of Elliott Smith.

Thursday, July 01, 2004

Stop Slackin' Start Unpackin'

So you would probably think that with moving into my house a month and a half ago that I would be all unpacked. Sadly I am not. Basically everything that is small or knick-knacky is still in boxes (9 to be exact). It is getting a little frustrating because I keep looking for things that aren't there. Plus, I can't record songs without my 8-track recorder that is still packed. I am sure you are thinking 'why don't you just unpack?' Well, I am operating under a delusion that I am going to paint my walls soon and my feeling was it would be easier to not have to move all the little things. I haven't really had any time to paint either though so it would be nice to have all my stuff out - especially my music mini studio stuff.

Dog Alarm

My older dog superStar has taken to jumping over the backyard fence to chase squirrels. He can jump much higher than I thought he could and based on this new found information, I have decided to enroll him in agility classes in the fall. I am sure he will be good at it. Anyway, each time he jumps over the fence, my puppy Monkey lets out one little bark. superStar is busted every time. I am really worried that he will run out into the street and get hit by a car. He is pretty smart but I would say that he lacks "street"smarts.

Courtney Love - Washington's Other Mad Cow

As brilliant as that heading is, I can't take credit for it. It came from The Stranger's Celebrity I Saw U column this week. Apparently Courtney Love is selling "What Would Courtney Do?" shirts on her website. Not only is that about the lamest thing I have ever heard, but, in case you are wondering, I can tell you what Courtney would do: pop pills until she is so out of it that she doesn't even know her own name and then say inappropriate things to both cops and tv cameras. So next time you are trying to buy paint at the home depot and wonder "hmmm, what would Courtney do?" - give that a try. For the record I also don't endorse wondering what Jesus would do. Not only would it be complete speculation based on probable fiction on your part but how is what a young man, who had supergod powers in a time before electricity, plumbing and even the language that you speak, did even remotely relevant to your life? Think for yourself, loser.

Wednesday, June 30, 2004

I swear to god that I am going to start writing again

It's not my fault...really. I have been travelling and dealing (and I mean that in the most negative sense of the word) with family visits. I feel like I have had no time to myself this summer. In one way that is really great, I like being busy. In another way it is terrible because I hate it when i over-extend myself and things fall through the cracks. Hopefully, things will settle down in the fall.

Denver Derby Dolls

Good news to report on the derby front. I have met some other girls who are interested in starting the derby and one of them has actually done derby in the Carolina Rollergirls. Yay! However, my many travel commitments are getting in the way of me actually skating and scouting rinks. So far the other girls have been to two without me. See this is what I am talking about with the slipping through the cracks. I feel lame.

East Bound and Down

Next week I am going on a road trip to Tennessee in celebration of my friend's 34th birthday. He enjoys prematurely aging himself so last year he thought he was turning 34 too but he wasn't. This year it is for real. For almost a full year, I mocked his tendancy to prematurely age himself but I guess the joke was on me. Week before last I was out for drinks (I actually drank something called Go Fuck Yourself Juice) with my rollerderby cohorts and the whole time I was like 28, 28, I'm 28. I got home and realized that I am not 28 until August 8th.

We will be visiting Graceland, Lorretta Lynn's Ranch and Dollywood. It is going to be one hell of a good time. I wonder if I can find some rollerskating rinks on the way. I know that I have said it before but I love Dolly Parton.

Speaking of Youth

It is a strange thing having friends who are all older than you (okay, I have like two younger friends). No matter how old you get, they always think of you as young. In a way it is kind of flattering but in another way it can be really annoying because they act like none of your complaints about getting older are valid. I was out to dinner with a friend last week and was talking about how I have just come to a point in my life where it is too mentally exhausting to worry about things that I have no control over. After I told him this he said "what are you talking about, you are barely old enough to drink". Like I said, flattering but it doesn't exactly move the conversation forward. That being said, I am actually very happy to be a bit older (though not so happy about the grey hair) because I feel like things are going really well overall.