Blogging for God
Just kidding!! I just wanted to give everyone a bit of an update as I haven't posted for a couple of weeks. My surgery incisions are healing nicely though my knee is still very unstable. My next surgery will probably be in three weeks or so.
Pleasure and Pain
Why does it seem that joy is always coupled with sadness? I have been having a really fun couple of weeks -
- just the normal boy dramas (though admitedly things have been a little weird in that department - it's own little world of pleasure and pain!),
- hanging with rollergirls (mostly I have just spent countless hours making Cat, the bootie call guru, advise me in the mysterious ways of no strings sex - boys are hard to figure out sometimes)
- and getting back into the school swing of things (my Comp instructor, though married with children, is totally hot and spent all day staring at my tits. I know it sounds egotistical but it is totally true - it may have something to do with the fact that they are practically popping out of this shirt though - HOT!)
However, in this same great week, my best friend also got really sick and I spent the better part of a day with him in the ER and the rest of the week camped out on his couch. Missing the great 72 degree day in a cold, dark cavey house. He is better now though and is starting to resume his normal life (which means that I am free to go out on Operation Manhunt tonight!). It is weeks like this when I really get to see what I am good at, work be damned, I am one hell of an awesome friend - great in a crisis, completely charming with medical staff (even when dealing with some pretty disgusting stuff) and able to ramble off a list of someone else's daily medications without even thinking about it. Why can't I get paid for that? Just kidding. It would be like Wonder Woman charging! Ha!
Operation Manhunt!!!!!
I am totally supposed to be working on a paper for my comp class tomorrow right now but this is way more fun. Plus I was feeling a little blog neglect guilt. Did you notice that I changed the comment feature? I am not exactly happy with the new comments as you have to log in to blogger to have your name posted. Plus it wiped out all my old comments, which are really just a lengthy testament to commenter Evan's excellent wit.
Anyway, once I finish this and my paper, Cat and I are out on an Operation Manhunt adventure. Operation Manhunt is a somewhat strategic attempt at generating new boy adventures. We go to bars that we wouldn't normally go to that we have identified as Mingle-ly but not LoDo-y. It is a tough find.
I have decided that for good luck (whatever that may mean in this situation) that I will write Operation Manhunt with little stars on my underwear in Sharpie. I figure it can't hurt. I love my life.
Get the Funk Out
Some of you may have noticed that the great knee related depression of 2004 has come to an end. All I can say is - Totally!!! Sometimes you're up, sometimes you're down. Ultimately, injuries aside, I am pretty much in control of my own destiny so I choose fun!!!!!!!! and crafts. I just have to figure out what to do about that job thing though. Luckily Dave has been working on that a bit for me - thanks Dave!!!!
Miss Teen Wordpower
I know I haven't changed my MP3s in forever but I am totally on a New Pornographers kick again so if you haven't already, give those songs a listen. If you have an account, you can download the album off emusic.