Insert witty title hereIt has been about forever and a day since I updated this thing. I apologize to the one person that hasn't heard my news via phone. I just haven't felt like I have had much to say lately but now I feel like I have some things so I will just jump in:
If I wasn't going to marry Daniel, my next choice would be Tom Cruise. I am totally in love with him right now. He so crazy! I spend every day waiting for my Salon
gossip to come in so I can see what wacky thing he has done now. Today, Salon is prominently featuring him on the main page in what I was sure was a doctored picture but is not. It is like he is becoming his own scientologist version of TJ Mackey. They are doing a four part indepth examination on his scientology. Newsworthy indeed!
Daniel wants us to become scientologists. He believes that all kinds of personal riches and rewards are just waiting for us to cast off our collected Thetans. I am not sure I agree though I am charmed by the idea that it is the one religion that has the balls to be unapologetically kooky. I mean, really how do we know that the Galactic overlord Xenu is any more or less real or absurd than Jesus being the son of god? Plus, Beck is a scientologist. If it's good enough for Beck...
Recently I bought the new Nick Hornby and Chuck Klosterman books. I seem to have no time to read either. I will report back once I have actually read one. I have no money for books yet I bought them anyway.
My house is officially more messy than it has ever been before. Please do not come over, you will be sorry. I keep trying to clean but my plans keep getting derailed by immense laziness or ....well, more immense laziness.
This weekend was Daniel's birthday, we did lots of fun stuff. Though some wasn't that fun for me but I just had to suffer through because I am such an awesome girlfriend like that. Friday we went to what can only be described as "the worst bar I have ever been to" which, if you knew me, would be saying a lot. I was tempted not mention it at all for fear that it would ruin my street cred but I have none and want to rag on it so here we go. Daniel wished to go to the opening of the Centennial Illegal Pete's. I think he was mostly charmed by the idea that Magic Cyclops was DJing in his town of residence.
I didn't want to go to a suburban bar, protesting loudly but birthday weekend privileges were invoked and I lost. If that fact that it is a bar in a strip mall across the street from a normal mall doesn't not recommend it enough. Then the 40 somethings in dockers, fake polo shirts and baseball hats, who think that jumping up and down playing air guitar is a form of dancing, should be enough to put it over the top. Thanks to MC, the music was tolerable and his mockery of the clientele was funny as hell but it was really the most horrifying thing I have ever seen. Especially when a 40+ woman in head to toe orange was trying to get us to dance. A few more drinks and I am sure that she was probably assaulting people when they refused her. I wouldn't know because we left about an hour after arriving. There is no amount of drinks in the world to make that bar acceptable.
Saturday was fun and mellow shopped, BBQ'd, hung out with Charlie, Kate and Tom at PS Lounge, watched porn and had hot sex (no thanks to completely boring porn).
Sunday we traveled to Greeley for the Demolition Derby - good times and yummy fair food were had but it was the longest demolition derby in the world so we had to bail before it was over - had we toughed it out until the end it probably would have been 6-7 hours of Demo Derby. No thanks, 4 was quite enough. Highlights include a minor fire, a car painted like spongebob and a guy getting hurt and cut out of the car. We aren't quite sure what happened to him as we decided to go while they were freeing him. It was a little bit of a fun killer when his crying girlfriend was standing right next to us and the ambulance had to be pulled in so we decided to call it a day. Afterwards, we went to FoCo for the Captured by Robots show. The last time we saw them (him) they were ass but Daniel wanted to give it another shot. I was sincerely hoping for his sake and mine that they would be better this time but they were not. It was ass and we left early but at least we didn't have to pay because who was loitering outside when we got there? None other than the one bright spot from friday, our future wedding DJ, Magic Cyclops. He was gracious enough to guest list us - bad for the club as there was almost no one there. i am sure that place lost buckets of money that night.
Ok that is it for now - I'll try not to be such a stranger.