For Those About To Rock!!!!!

You have my salute

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Maybe there is no Xanadu...

Recent developments suggest that the elusive "no strings sex" aka "Bootie Call" may not exist. Someone always has a hidden agenda. It seems lately every time I consider some new dating adventure, one of my friends has an experience totally go south that parallels what I was considering. It is freaking me out a bit. Today it is bootie calls and a few weeks ago it was dating friends of friends. What will it be next?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Although not a big fan of the new comment system, being that it erased my spectacular wit over the past few months, I understand it completely. HOWEVER, what I DO NOT understand is the propensity of my friends (online and off) to continue to operate large, metal, combustion-engine propelled monstrosities that can KILL people after said friends (again, online and off) have been partaking in a parasympathetically depressing substance like, say... ALCOHOL.

Operation Manhunt a bust? Yep, that's a drag. But you'll hunt again , I'm sure. Next time, PLEASE take a cab. Or, use the situation to your advantage... i.e. "There's really no way I should drive, I've had a like one and a half drinks! (giggle)"

11:37 AM  

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