"Old age comes to everyone and makes everyone equal"
That's a quote from a book so stupid that I am embarassed to admit that I read it. In my defense, I was only 11 or 12. If anyone can guess where it is from (exact book please), I will dig up a prize - the only hint I can give is the age that I was when I read it. Terrible book, but it doesn't make the quote any less true.
I turned 30 today and I have very mixed feelings about the whole thing. The number doesn't actually bother me - it is just that I feel like I am trapped in a talking heads song. For the last week or so, not an hour has gone by that I haven't asked myself "How did I get here?". It's not a judgement, just honest to goodness bewilderment.
Daniel cooked dinner and it was really good. He doesn't cook, ever, so I think he was as shocked as I was. He should really do it more - he is actually quite good at it. He also gave me a lottery ticket that i feel very good about so maybe I will become a millionaire tomorrow. He also threw me an almost surprise party on Friday at the karaoke bar - it was fun but the karaoke sucked that night.
My parents gave me a lamp and nothing has ever made me feel so OLD. A lamp with gold accents - I don't think i need to say anything more about that.
Normally on my birthday, a friend of mine floods my inbox with e-cards. He started this a few years ago because he is never in town on my birthday. It didn't happen this year and was the big disappointment of the "Sweet 3 Oh" as I call it.
My mom didn't call me either, also a disappointment but a little more predictable than the e-card situation actually.
Okay - I didn't intend for this post to be a downer but it is working out that way. I will just stop until I have something nicer to say. I thought I should update lest anyone accuse me of being a blog abandoner.