These Days...
The world series is completely irrelevant to me. I don't care that the White Sox won or that it was a sweep or that this is the first chicago world series victory since man discovered fire. It makes no difference to me. However, if they decide to turn it into a movie 5 years from now, I will both see it and then discuss how it was an important moment in american history. Me and baseball movies.
I came into work late today because of two incidents:
1. I couldn't tear myself away from the TV after Harriet Myers withdrawal was announced. All the republican opposition to her actually had me believing that maybe there are conservatives that do care about government. Perhaps they actually do believe that the judicial branch should be autonomous and not in the president's pocket. But then I realized that they probably had some sort of other motive - like maybe this particular nomination would make it more difficult for them to continually oppress everyone that wasn't rich or white. The moment passed. I don't know anything about that Harriet Myers but if GWB loved her so much, I am inclined to hate her. I also love the fact that my dad was insistent that she would be confirmed and she was above reproach. Apparently not.
2. superStar ran into the security door while Monkey was chasing him. He cried a lot and I have never heard superStar cry before. I touched him everywhere to make sure that he wasn't hurt and sat with him until he stopped crying. I think he was just shocked.
I have a million nice pairs of underwear and yet can't find any of them lately. Where did they all go? I have no idea but it is a bit distressing. These underwear aren't cheap.
I am fatter than I have been in months - depressing. Daniel and I are going on a diet tuesday because we don't want to be fatties for the wedding. We are going to kauai for our honeymoon. We will rent kayaks.
I went to the Doctor the other day and I have infections - no wonder I feel like ass all the time. She put me on antibiotics but as of yet, nothing seems to be getting better. I think I need a stronger type of antibiotic. I imagine a little ROBOTIC antibiotic army. They could come in and rape and pillage my infections. I authorize the use of napalm.