Operation Manhunt = Complete Bust
Last night's operation manhunt couldn't have been a bigger waste of time. Though we did assess that a employed yuppie type is NOT better than an unemployed hipster type. Ugh, we actually saw guys in cable knit sweaters last night. At one point I put on my glasses (which I usually only use for the computer and to make me look oh so sexy) so that I wouldn't have to look at anyone.
And when did the Rhino Room close? That was a unfortunate discovery. That shit was mingle-ly, if a little lame.
So the night came to an end with Cat phoning up her bootie call and us waiting for him to pick her up on Colfax. It is so charming, all nights should end like that. To make matters worse, she made me discuss cultivating my "bootie calls" with him and he didn't really have any helpful advice. Yet, he was convinced by the end of the call that I shouldn't be driving myself home (though I did and I was fine). I felt like such a loser last night. At least it is in a way that is really funny this morning.
Hey buddy my face is up here
I am off to another fun day of English Composition. This time I am opting to wear something a bit less revealing.
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