New Logo
We have finally decided on a new logo (part of the new era where Amanda doesn't do everything). Although her socks bother me, it is very cute.

Can't Sleep
As the longer time readers will remember, I have had some serious problems with insomnia in the past. Since my accident those issues seem to have subsided - my personal theory is that I sleep more so that I don't have to deal with the pain. Anyway, I can't sleep tonight and considering how long past insomnia bouts have lasted, it always makes me a bit edgy when this happens.
Though the truth is that I had two large coffee beverages today and that is probably what is keeping me up. Now that I am back in school, I have resumed my pre school coffee schedule. Basically, I have been almost totally off coffee since my accident so it probably explains the not sleeping.
The Monkey doesn't understand why we are awake. As I type this, he is resting his head on my shoulder and it seems as he is pleading with me to turn off the light and go to sleep. Monkey is not a demanding dog but he is pretty transparent when it comes to his wants and needs. Okay, he just got up and went into the other room. Totally fed up with me.
Blogging friends, look how updatey I have been recently. I am trying to get better about updating now that I am feeling a bit more social. Though I am sure that will all go to hell once I start working again. I recently met someone who up and quit their job to do what they really wanted instead of what they were expected to do. I am soooo jealous. I can't even figure out what I really want to do (in short term, that is - long term - vet) let alone muster enough guts to quit my job.
(right now the Indigo Girls are on a rerun of Conan - it feels as though they are actually going to make me physically ill - maybe I should turn the channel)
There is some new rollergirls inner circle push to get rollergirl tattoos (whatever that looks like). Apparently there is some tattoo shop that would like to be a RMRG sponsor so I guess that means reduced price tattoos. I am not sure that a discount exactly makes for a good reason to get one though.
I only have one tattoo that I gave myself when I was 13. Although that seems really tough, it actually didn't hurt at all for some reason. I feel fairly certain that wouldn't be the case with a pro tattoo. Though knowing me I would probably get off on the pain.
The Rollergirls have a few events coming up - please feel free to repost in your respective online worlds:
1/29 - Skate and Bake
Roll-o-rama (8370 Welby Rd Thornton)
This is the first PG rated event for RMRG. From 12-3pm we will be hosting a family skate and bake sale. $4 gets you admission, free pizza from Benny Blancos and skates. There will also be a free potluck and baked goods for sale.
2/11 - Jell-O shots at Revo
Revoluciones (3519 Brighton Blvd)
Revo will be hosting a show featuring The Swayback, Atlas and some other bands. The Rocky Mountain Rollergirls will be selling Jell-o shots. There will be plenty of whip cream on hand.
Incidentally I will be making the Jell-o shots, I am so good at it that you should totally come out. I have made my jell-o shot creation a science (I wish I had everclear, though).
2/12 - KBDI Sports Auction
Channel 12 5 or 6pm
Though I am sure we will all be totally hung over from the previous evening's activites, RMRG will be working the phone banks at the KBDI sports auction. Look for us in our cutey pie shirts with our hot new logo. We will also have a few minutes to plug the rollergirls.
3/12 - Warehouse Party
Address TBA
We will be hosting a warehouse party with bands and full bar (maybe some skating too) at one of Denver's favorite party warehouses. The details haven't been fully nailed down though and we are not yet allowed to announce location so keep an eye out for updates.
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