All I need is a butter Knife, pliers and a hammer
I have this dresser that is a complete pain in my ass. I bought it from IKEA and never really went together correctly. Never has a piece of furniture made me so mad. I refuse to move it again so I am going to dismantle it and leave it for the trash collectors. I want to do it today but I will probably wait until the end of the month when I am actually moving. If I did it now I would absolutely have nowhere to put my clothes. That is dresser is a bitch though.
All for Swinging you Around
This weeks MP3s are all from The New Pornographers album Electric Version. I am addicted to it like crack so I will tribute them with my music selections. Listen and Enjoy!
Gilmore Girls
I was shocked by the ending of Gilmore Girls last night. I just didn't think it was that kind of show. For those of you that haven't seen it yet I am not going to spoil it but let me just say again that I was shocked. Shocked!
Horoscope Worries
Before I begin I would just like to be clear that I don't really buy into astrology but occasionally I will read my horoscope and if it seems particularly relevant I will consider it a bad omen. Even if it is good, I consider it a bad omen. While some people believe in the predictions of the stars, I believe in the damnation of uncanny coincidence. Basically my belief in mystical forces is this: each time something bizarrely coincidental happens (like I am thinking about something and someone starts talking about it, or I am singing a song then it plays a few minutes later or I picture something happening and then it happens exactly like that) it is a like a stair and then when the coincidences stop, the stairs end and I fall off. I don't really know of a better way to explain it (in fact, as muddled as this may be I have never explained it this well before). Of course, this is just totally in my mind and I don't really believe that some sort of lack of psychic perception leads to bad things happening but the irrational part of me totally believes it - like the way I think I can control slot machines with my mind when I am in Vegas.
Anyway, as I was saying, I read my May horoscope in Marie Claire yesterday (why I was reading Marie Claire, well that is a whole other issue entirely). It said "Confront what's troubling you, and you'll see that you must give up on an impossible dream". I know it is vague as all horoscopes are (that is the point) but it was particularly relevant to what I had been thinking about right before I read it. Also in the same issue there is an article about a woman who let a magic 8 ball make all of her choices for a month - also an uncanny coincidence as my friend had written a story just like that. Maybe this particular issue of Marie Claire is haunted.
"It takes a lot of money to look this cheap"
I was watching 9 to 5 yesterday, which is one of my favorite movies ever. I have seen it at least a hundred times, probably more. On this particular viewing I noticed something I have never really noticed before. Dolly Parton and I have the same body type. Normally I wouldn't think this because present day dolly parton is much skinnier than she was then and she has the boob implants (as well as about 10 other plastic surgery procedures) which she didn't need at all but I guess when everybody is getting implants if you want to keep your status as the woman with the biggest boobs you have to step it up. But when I saw her in 9 to 5, about 20 pounds heavier than she is now with the smaller real boobs, I realized that we gain weight in all the same places and share similar curves. She is just three inches shorter and smaller boned. I really mean that, saying that I have bigger bones isn't some excuse for being fat, she is just totally tiny, I could be at my lowest possible weight and I would never be as tiny as her. Anyway, it was an interesting revelation - I love Dolly Parton, she's boobtastic.