For Those About To Rock!!!!!

You have my salute

Friday, September 30, 2005

Fall TV

Is it just me or does the new tv season pretty much suck ass? Basically we aren't watching anything new, except for My Name is Earl, which, so far, is only playing out as "slightly above mediocre." Other than that, Arrested Development is genius as usual, Daniel is enjoying The Office but it doesn't really make me laugh. Nip/Tuck is great still and the OC, while still entertaining, has become entirely too predictable. See Re: handsome new dean making out with student - I said it first, though not here. I had never really watched Family Guy before I met daniel but that show is really funny - American Dad is not. Simpsons, still good, of course. Gilmore Girls is still well written but with two main characters not on speaking terms, it has really put a black cloud over the show. Here are some thoughts on new shows:

  • I tried to watch Reunion - blew
  • If I see one more commerical for Prison Break, I am going to lose it. That is seriously the dumbest idea for a show ever "I am going to go to jail so I can break my brother out" WHAT THE FUCK! I usually don't make blanket statements like this but I am going to do it: If you are even giving this show the time of day, let alone watching it, you are an asshole, seriously. It is because of people like you that the terrorists win.
  • Supernatural - saw a preview for it, thought about watching it, couldn't bring myself to do it - one WB show is quite enough, thanks.
  • Daniel thinks that Bones might be good but I can't watch any show with David Boreanaz - he is the devil.
  • Someone asked me about this Surface show, which I didn't even know about at the time, since then I have seen previews and even watched part of an episode. Uh totally dumb - no thanks.
  • Apprentice Martha Stewart makes me want to kill. You know what would be a good show? Prison Break: Martha Stewart

Why do a couple good shows about the extrodinary happening in the ordinary world give every last asshole a license to write a show like that?

Anyway, i am glad that I have netflix and many tv shows on DVD to plow through because tv blows.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

oh my god

I just ate some lunch that made me feel terrible - seriously terrible. I want to die now.

Dave - where is your new pornographers blog post?

This water should be hotter, deeper or something

I was listening to NPR on the way to work today. There was a story about The new Wynn Casino in Vegas bringing in last year's Tony winner, Avenue Q and how, once again, the face of Vegas is changing. I miss vegas, I went from going several times a year to not at all in about 3 years or so. Steve Wynn's voice is very calming and listening to him talk about his hotel, I am sold on a bill of goods that I didn't even know I wanted. Fine art, giant hotel rooms and muppets singing about their BA in English - sign me up.

The highlight of my last few days has been that Monkey has successfully learned to catch a ball in his mouth. This is a major coup for both of us, as it took a great deal more work than you would think. In fact, I didn't even think it could be taught but rather just an innate talent that a dog either possessed or not. I was wrong. After slowly working up from jumping for a stick, monkey can now catch a ball in his mouth with ease. I feel like I have finally accomplished something with my life.

My good friend dave has secured a new job and will finally be out from under the evil thumb of Bowne/Williams Lea. While I am happy for him, it probably means that I won't be convincing he and his wife Ariel to be our neighbors in Denver anytime soon. He will be so much happier at this new job though. Yay dave! Once again, we will be doing very similar jobs. I am also totally happy that he made a special phone call to tell me this good news. Lately I have lamented a lot about friends inability to pick up a phone to relay important information.

Daniel and I rearranged the living room and kitchen this weekend - they look mahvalous! Once we paint, the house will be fantastic. Except for the bed situation. There are currently several problems with our sleeping life:
  1. I am so allergic to the cat now that I can't get through a night without a coughing fit - I think it may be allergies with a smidge of TB thrown in for good measure
  2. Daniel hates the bed - he hates is so much that if it were a person he would punch it in the face and insult it's mother
  3. When I cough daniel, while sleeping, becomes so outraged that he has tried to smother me with his giant hand, bare minimum he says something like "oh my god, drink some water" - so I have taken to sleeping on the couch on occasion. The worst part is that, even while sleeping, when he says "oh my god" he does it in a voice that mimics his exwife.

What this all comes down to is that our cat needs to go hairless and we need a sleepnumber bed - I have started a paypal donation account. So now you can forget about the suffering of the thousands of people that have lost their homes to natural disaster and focus on what is really important - whether or not daniel and I can sleep through the night. I know, I know, our personal tragedy really puts it all in perspective, doesn't it? Tonight go home and give your loved ones an extra kiss and be thankful that you don't have to go through the hell we deal with every day.

(note: I have not really started a paypal account.)

We are going to start having a monthly games party to keep our social skills in check during the cold winter months - that is, if I can get to the bottom of Daniel's singular objection - our crappy fence. I really have no idea what one has to do with the other. So buy a sweater and get ready to drink cocktails and play apples to apples and cranium in our drafty house.

Other than the furniture rearranging, this weekend was kind of a bust - didn't see roll bounce but will see it next weekend. Though I also feel the need to go see this Serenity movie. I didn't really like the tv show but I think it is important to show support.