When will this bad luck streak end? Seriously
Let's be cheery and start with the good for this weekend. I bought the Lego Star Wars game for Xbox and it is so awesome. The only way it would be better is if it was for Episodes 4-6 instead of 1-3 but cool all the same. Daniel is a video game master however, so it has only taken us a few short hours to get through 2/3 of the game (we are trying to hold out on 3 to avoid spoilers but I don't think it is going to work). If it was me playing alone, it would take much longer as I am video game retarded.
The downside of this weekend was that I spent a few hours in the ER yesterday to discover that I have diabetes. I seriously feel like it is just one bad break after another for me. They couldn't really do much for me at the ER so I have to go to the doctor today to be treated and find out more. So right now I feel like total Ass. I have been feeling pretty crappy for a while so it is nice to know the cause but I can't wait to be treated. I had a farewell bite of cheesecake yesterday. I won't be eating that anymore.