For Those About To Rock!!!!!

You have my salute

Friday, May 27, 2005

Get my beautiful On

For the first time in a long while I am going out alone tonight and actually looking forward to it. Lately I seem to just throw on the first thing I can find to wear and never even bother to put on makeup. Not tonight, I am going to go all out. Why? Because being pretty is fun. Also I have decided to take the Dart and I don't want my car to show me up. I guess I better get a move on because I have to get there while there is still decent parking. I have a hard enough time with parallel parking - take away the power steering and I am really fucked.

Evan - Have a good time at the go-gos. Hopefully you will have a safe comfy place to sit

It is ridiculous...

How sexy I look driving around my Dart. I had almost forgotten. I don't want to sell it.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

The visual pizzazz of a text file combined with the deep insight of a 90 second cable segment

Lately I have been kind of cold on the daily show, but the one I am watching right now at 12:47 in the morning has me doubled over with laughter talking about cable news networks reporting on blogs. "When I want hard hitting news, I turn to CNN, who turns to Skippy the Bush Kangaroo." I am disturbed by the fact that Skippy and I use the same template - I might need to change.

It is hilarious - which is good because I could use a little laughter right now. I have just learned a valuable lesson. When your boyfriend doesn't update his blog in a timely fashion (see the humor was very appropriate) and you decide to go into his calendar and read old posts - don't do it. Nothing good can come of reading about other times and other loves. Comparison is a bitch.

Daily Show is fucking funny and, once again, Jon Stewart is fucking hot despite his unbelievable shortness. I heart you, Jon Stewart!

One more time before the long weekend. A happy post to celebrate 4 days off

Things I love:

SF and LA
superStar and Monkey
Suprisingly, this ring, even though I am so not about jewelry
Ben and Jerry's Brownie Batter, even though I can't eat it anymore
Cotton Candy
Art Deco
my grey pants
my hair
the ocean
Steve Turner
My iPod
Wooden Rollercoasters
Disneyland and Disneyworld
and, of course, this guy

Deluded egomaniac or...Deluded egomaniac?

Last night, Daniel and I watched Overnight, a documentary about The Boondock Saints writer/director Troy Duffy. What? Who? you say. I haven't seen the actual movie so I can't really speak to it's quality (Daniel seemed to have lukewarm feelings about it - he knows quality films - most of the time) but I can definitely speak to the quality of its director. He has none. I have never in my life seen someone so full of themselves as this guy is. I will sum it up for you:
LA bartender writes script,
LA bartender kisses some celebrities asses to have script read,
Miramax buys script and budgets film at $15 million letting the bartender direct,
Bartender shoots his mouth off all over town "they have never seen anything like me" "I have the goods" "I am the real deal"
Pumps his mediocre band full of shit about how they will be signed sight unseen
Miramax opts out of movie
Maverick opts out of band
Guy continues to shoot his mouth off about how he is the greatest thing the world has ever seen.
Movie and album come out and both suck ass and make no money.

It was brilliant. I wish I could more effectively quote all of his genius words but I don't have the ability to retain that sort of thing like daniel does.

Send out the healing vibes

I was catching up on my blog reading today, I don't read many blogs and two of the ones I do read have not bothered to update in quite some time (looking at you, Daniel and Dave) when I discovered that my friend in blogginess only, Evan, has decided to yet again give back to the medical community. By giving back, I, of course, mean his hard earned dollars (don't you sometimes wish we lived in Canada?) to fix yet another war wound.

Evan, we may never meet (though I have often thought it would be funny if we lived on the same street or something) but we will forever be bonded by our continual need for medical attention.

You can read about Evan's new injury here:

You can read Evan's blog by visiting my sidebar.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

What's the matter with me? What's the matter with you? Random Thoughts

I haven't updated in so long. I wish I could say that was because my life has gotten fabulously busy or because I found a new job or anything exciting like that. I can't. Sadly I haven't updated because I have become so lazy that even this seems like work. Or maybe I just don't have anything interesting to say - nope, that can't be it.

The weather was so great last weekend, I spent almost all of it outside. On Saturday Daniel, the dogs and I went to Garden of the Gods, where the dogs were provided with nothing but the best in bottled water to quench their insatiable thirst. Then we played the most fabulous skeeball in Manitou Springs. I could die in that arcade. I will probably end up dying somewhere less fabulous though.

Last week I bought these fabulous black shoes. They don't look like shoes I would normally wear but I think they make my feet look terrific. They are black and would come to a very extreme point at the toes if it wasn't for the fact that the toes are squared off. They were only $15 at Ross - a remarkable value.

I will paint my bathroom green this weekend and clean up my yard. My job may totally suck but there is something to be said for the 4 day weekend - yes, please. I agreed to watch a dog's friend not knowing that it would be for the weekend and then some. One would assume that when someone says that they are going away for the weekend, that would imply Friday - Monday, right? Well apparently to some people it means the following Wednesday. Oh well, I guess it is my own fault for not asking first.

It occurred to me just now that I haven't even updated the bloggy people on my trip to LA with Daniel. As was expected, the left coast made quite an impression on my adorable boyfriend. That California has very seductive ways. It was a great weekend - we drove around a lot, shopped at the Hustler store way too much and hung out with Erin, Koji and little Emerson (who is the cutest baby in the world). I was really sad to leave and fully realized for the first time exactly how much of a California girl I am. I have decided to go back eventually, probably sometime within the next two years.

Speaking of the Hustler store, I had to buy a new rubber ducky waterproof vibrator (color: black - the package actually says "once you go black, you never go back"). It felt frivolous to get a replacement vibrator but Daniel talked me into it (I wasn't a hard sell though). My friend Kate inquired how exactly one loses a vibrator. Sadly, I have lost several. I lost a bunch (always prone to exaggeration - I think it was actually 2 which probably doesn't qualify as "a bunch) when I had girl roommates in San Jose - perhaps there was some sharing policy in effect that I wasn't aware of. Then I lost one (my favorite Rabbit) to the dog, apparently there is a lot of chew toy similarity (gross, I know) and then the duck I lost in one of my Denver moves - I hope some small child didn't find it and mistake it for a toy.

I still hate this crap job and spend most of my time thinking about how I feel like a failure. If it wasn't for my awesome boyfriend, mind distracting sex and how cute my dogs have been lately (by lately I mean the last week, before then monkey was being a holy terror - he and superStar broke into the fridge and ate 4 lbs of meat and destroyed my couch), I would probably be really depressed.

I am selling my '64 dodge dart. If you want one, let me know.