For Those About To Rock!!!!!

You have my salute

Saturday, July 03, 2004

Teddy R.I.P

This morning while superStar and Monkey were out in the backyard, I heard monkey let out his one little bark, which usually signifies that superStar has jumped the fence again. When I got outside, I discovered superStar and Monkey playing Tug-O-War with my most beloved Teddy Bear. He was in shreds, or I should say more shreds than before and had been decapitated. I don't really understand how Monkey got a hold of him as he was sitting on the top of my dresser. Perhaps he slipped off? After I determined that he couldn't be put back together, I spent the following two hours on a hysterical crying jag. Some of you may recall that I have had this bear since a little after my birth and that, in my younger years, I couldn't even leave the house without him. Dependable and true, he was the one constant in my life. He is survived by no one seeing as he outlived my parent's marriage, several cats, all my bad relationships (up to this point, at least) and my youth. He will be missed...a lot.


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