For Those About To Rock!!!!!

You have my salute

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Deluded egomaniac or...Deluded egomaniac?

Last night, Daniel and I watched Overnight, a documentary about The Boondock Saints writer/director Troy Duffy. What? Who? you say. I haven't seen the actual movie so I can't really speak to it's quality (Daniel seemed to have lukewarm feelings about it - he knows quality films - most of the time) but I can definitely speak to the quality of its director. He has none. I have never in my life seen someone so full of themselves as this guy is. I will sum it up for you:
LA bartender writes script,
LA bartender kisses some celebrities asses to have script read,
Miramax buys script and budgets film at $15 million letting the bartender direct,
Bartender shoots his mouth off all over town "they have never seen anything like me" "I have the goods" "I am the real deal"
Pumps his mediocre band full of shit about how they will be signed sight unseen
Miramax opts out of movie
Maverick opts out of band
Guy continues to shoot his mouth off about how he is the greatest thing the world has ever seen.
Movie and album come out and both suck ass and make no money.

It was brilliant. I wish I could more effectively quote all of his genius words but I don't have the ability to retain that sort of thing like daniel does.


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