For Those About To Rock!!!!!

You have my salute

Thursday, October 28, 2004

Evan is funny and Dave is right

So here are some of the other things that are total bullshit:

The company I work for wants to reduce staff, so they ask me to run the numbers and make some recommendations for cuts. Then after a total of three conference calls, the women in charge says "I can't look at all these numbers I just want three specific scenarios". So I give her specific scenarios and she says "don't you think that is really agressive? Can I see some numbers on that." Fucking Hell.

Combovers....fucking combovers

The other night after practice a bunch of the rollergirls went out for drinks and didn't invite natalie and I. There seems to be some sort of weird seperation there, we are not sure if it is because we started the league or what. Anyway, I am driving natalie home, bitching in the car about how they never invite us out for drinks and one of the other girls calls. Natalie says "maybe that is our invite". No, she just wanted to tell me that she got a call back from a perspective employer, then she says "okay, I have got to meet the other girls at Gabor's".

Apparently in the city of denver it is illegal to park your car on a "unsurfaced area" what the fuck does that mean? All areas have a surface.


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