For Those About To Rock!!!!!

You have my salute

Monday, October 11, 2004

I guess it was just a matter of time

So I got my first derby injury today. I fell and landed wrong on my ankle and actually heard it go "pop". I am hoping it is just a bad sprain but if it keeps swelling I guess I will go to the doctor tomorrow. As bad as it hurts, mostly I am just totally pissed off at myself for making such a stupid mistake. It already takes me like twice as long to learn everything as anyone else. If I have to spend a few weeks letting this heal, I will be so far behind. When I was getting off the rink I started to cry but really it had nothing to do with pain and everything to do with the prospect of lost derby time.

This is one of those rare times when I absolutely hate being alone. I can't really get around at all, it takes five minutes for me to get up the 13 stairs from my upstairs to downstairs. Everytime Monkey scratches on the door it takes me 10 minutes to let him outside. Then I am all paranoid that he is going to jump the fence and I can't run after him. It would just be nice if there was someone else to handle a few of these things. I guess I am just being a big baby and want someone to take care of me. The saddest part is that this just happened four hours ago. What will it be like tomorrow when I have to work and go to school?


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