For Those About To Rock!!!!!

You have my salute

Sunday, October 10, 2004

Where have I been?

I know that is probably what the two people who read this and don't know me are asking. I will tell, 80 hours of work a week and Derby just add up to way to much stuff to post to the blog too. Though lately I have been wishing I had a little more time for a little bloggy release. I am going to try to get on this new rigorous personal schedule and I think I can build in a few minutes a day for some posting.

I must not be the only one going through some sort of busy stage as Evan the comment guy (and friend of roller derby) hasn't updated his blog in quite sometime either. Which is unfortunate because I am really wondering what is going on with him and his new lady friend. It is nice that someone has been seeing some action. Even if it is a virtual stranger.

I am also wondering what is going on with my friends Dave and Ariel's house hunt. Though I suppose if I really wanted to know I could call them.

You Shook Me All Night Long

Derby has been kicking ass, we have almost enough girls to split into teams now and we hope to start bouting in February. The girls are great and the new ones that we have recruited recently are really different from our early group so it is making for a nice mix. I was worried prior that we would all get along so well that it would make it tough to be badass when it came time to bout. Though we are all still getting along the newer girls are different enough that it could make for some really quality personality conflicts.

I have also decided that when we bout each girl should have their own song that they skate in to. I haven't discussed this with anyone else but I think the idea will be well received. Mostly I just want to do this because I think it would be awesome to skate into AC/DCs You Shook Me All Night Long. It's mine, you can't have it.

You Shook Me All Nap Long

Speaking of action, as I was earlier, I have been taking a lot of naps recently. Derby seems to have not only cured my insomnia but is making me incredibly tired. Anyway, each time I nap I have these very weird sex dreams. Only when I nap. The dreams themselves are actually pretty normal, the sex isn't even really kinky or anything and doesn't even play that big a part in the dream, it is just really fun. What is weird is that they have all featured a guy that is a friend of mine. Now, I could spend all day sitting around deciding whether these dreams mean that I like him as more than a friend but it would be pointless to even momentarily entertain this train of thought as we will never be more than friends. So here is what I have decided it means:

I think it is my subconcious telling me to find a guy that I really like. Not in the way where I have done it before where I just like the same things that he likes or I think he looks hot in a pair of 501s and a vintage western shirt but in a way where its someone that I actually have fun with all the time. Then I lament the fact that I always have guy friends that I can have so much fun with but then when it comes to guys I have an opportunity to date, not so much (we could get into a whole thing about my guy friendships and whether or not they are unhealthy but we will leave that alone for now). I think this has come up lately because I have turned down a couple of opportunites to go out with guys that I just wasn't that thrilled with. In that past, I would have always said yes because put it politely, I am not a hard sell. Although all of these dreams have contained sex, what is weird is that the real theme seems to be sex + someone you actually like = full time fun, it is a new concept for me. So I think that I am just holding out for something better. But then...

That is really in direct conflict with my standard dating philosophy. Which is that I am really only looking for someone that I can sleep with and see the occasional movie. Though in a way I think this is bullshit. I think the real thing is that:
A) The guys I date aren't so great that you would want to spend a lot of time with them
B) I really love my life (except for work) and my balance between friends, Derby, etc and I don't want that to change.

So I guess what this really adds up to is that I am a big chicken. I guess this is something I need to do some thinking about.

Today's cool things

I took my dogs to the park, as I do almost every sunday. On the way back I stopped to get them some food and bought them a new treat ball, they love it! It has provided Monkey with a great deal of diversion. Specifically diverting him from tearing up my vintage couch which he did last week. So I love the treat ball, even though it makes an annoying oinking noise. I love my dogs.

On the way back from the park I heard Light Crust Doughboy's "Let's Make Believe We're Sweethearts" (though the original may have been floyd tillman) on the radio, which is one of my all time favorite songs but I hadn't heard it about 10 years because I believed that it didn't exist in the real world, just in my ex's 78 collection. I heard it on 1190's incredible sunday morning country, blues and folk show, which is a must listen. Now that I know it is out there, I must find a copy of that song. I feel like it's sentiment could be the anthem of my life.

TV - I know I should hate you.

Try as I might to reject it, there are good new shows on TV this season that I am recommending as "must watch" so they don't get cancelled:

Lost - What is up with this show? It is very intriguing and well written, though it is a little hard to tell where it is going. So it could turn out to be a big pile of crap but for right now, thumbs up.

life as we know it - so the OC might be so ridiculous that it is funny but this new teen dramedy gives enough ridiculous to entertain but with a much more realistic sentiment. I think it could turn out to be one of my favorite shows. Plus it is set in Seattle and actually looks like Seattle (despite filming in vancouver), which makes me happy.

Okay, that is it for today, but it won't take me 2 months to write again.


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