For Those About To Rock!!!!!

You have my salute

Tuesday, April 27, 2004

Not surprisingly, I can't sleep

I am tired of being an insomniac. It is frustrating to be really tired and still not be able to sleep. Last night I didn't fall asleep until 6am (then was rudely awakened by the phone at 8:30), currently it is almost 2am and once again - no sleep for me. I have been lying in bed for two hours stressing out about things that I have absolutely no control over. It's not even like I am stressing about things that would be reasonable to stress about like my house purchase. No, I am thinking about completely stupid things. Mostly I have been thinking about this - I would say that I am probably 85% happy with my life right now, which is probably happier with my life than I have ever been. While presently that is a good or even great thing, I can't help but think that the percentage has no where to go but down. So then I start to wonder what parts of my life are going to fall apart . I know it sounds pessimistic, but it really isn't like that. From where I stand it just seems like good common sense to be prepared for the potential bad instead of being completely shocked when it happens. On the flip side I know it isn't good to just sit around waiting for the other shoe to drop. The biggest issue is that I just want things to stay at the 85% good, but I don't really see how they can.

James Lipton and Donald Trump

Another thing that I have been thinking about a lot lately, both when I can't sleep and during the day, is what would a conversation between James Lipton (from Inside the Actor's Studio) and Donald Trump be like? They have a very similar way of making grandiose pronouncements and I think if they had to have a conversation with one another, it would be the most hilarious thing in the world. It is too late to craft a mock conversation, but I will try and do that later in the week. If you watch Inside the Actor's Studio and The Apprentice, I think you know what I am talking about. Sometimes I imagine them getting into a fist fight - Trump always wins.

Mario Batali - Update

A good friend of mine informed me yesterday that Mario Batali was on the new Iron Chef America and he was not using Chicken in a Biscuit crackers in his recipes. So I guess it isn't his shtick. How funny would it be though if a chef did use Chicken in a Biscuit on Iron Chef? That would really prove the culinary superiority of Americans.


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