For Those About To Rock!!!!!

You have my salute

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

I think this says a lot

I was watching Regis and Kelly this morning and Regis was talking about his recent viewing of the new Bridget Jones movie:

Regis says "Now here is what I don't understand. She is very overweight" (speaking of Bridget Jones).

Kelly - "Well she is curvy"

Regis: "She is very overweight, I wish Notre Dame had line backers that big"..."And she is always saying the wrong thing and causing trouble".."Why do these guys like her?"

Kelly - "Well she is spunky and guys like that"

Regis: " Guys like spunk within reason, nobody would like someone who is very overweight and acts like that"

I think you get the point. I would like to point out that Renee Zellweger only weighed 135 and she is 5'2", which while a bit high, is well within the range of normal. Plus, it all goes to her boobs anyway. Why is it where we live in a world where a not thin, very weird looking, old man can rip on someone who is 10-15 pounds overweight?


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