For Those About To Rock!!!!!

You have my salute

Sunday, February 27, 2005

"There's nothing to do when you're locked in a vacancy"

A little Breakfast Club reference seemed appropriate since I am sitting in my weekend English class. This is the last day of this hellish 9-4pm 3 weekend class. It actually was pretty easy and seems to be over fairly quick. Plus, you gotta love any class where I can blog while I am in it.

My leg is still killing me. This one is taking a lot longer to feel better than the last one. After the last surgery, I could have sex nine days after. This one, not so much. I am not even going to go into how much that is pissing me off. Frustrating is a total understatement.

Here is the worst part (ok not really worse than the no sex but induldge me) - I have a fucking cankle. My leg is so swollen and brusied that you really can't tell where the calf ends and the ankle begins. God I am an asshole. The bruising on this one is really astounding. I am going to post a picture when I can.


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