For Those About To Rock!!!!!

You have my salute

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

The bra that broke the camel's back

My dog, Monkey, eats bras. He loves them more than any other thing. So I have become very adept at hiding them away when I take them off. Though sometimes I forget. In the last week Monkey has eaten both of my newest bras. Not only are they the newest but they are also the ones that look best on me.

When I discovered him eating my black one yesterday (which i had put under my pillow when I took it off but he discovered it in the two minutes that I was in the bathroom), I lost it. I couldn't believe that I was standing there crying over a bra but yet there I was. After a few minutes I realized it was stupid and not the end of the world. I moved on but I am still really pissed. Monkey is, of course, completely oblivious to his own actions. He is a good dog otherwise but I can't seem to break him of his underwear fetish (he has a thing for panties too).


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