For Those About To Rock!!!!!

You have my salute

Monday, January 03, 2005

2005 just feels different

The last week of 2004 was huge for me. Between candid conversations with friends, ex-boyfriends, therapists and assorted boy dramas, I feel like I went through a pretty radical change at the end of the year. It would be hard to explain exactly other than it feel like a huge weight has been lifted off of my chest.

Sometimes I am my own worst enemy and I have decided to that for 2005 my only mission will be to be aware of my self destructive impulses and fight them. I am going to stop projecting past situations on to current ones. I am going to stop worrying about what could happen and just appreciate what I have. Mostly, I am going to act happy on the outside, no matter how I feel on the inside and hopefully it will just seep inward when I am down.

Here is another thing that I am going to do: take my own advice. I am the master of giving out advice. I am so good at it that it's crazy. But when it comes to myself I just can't see things as clearly, or at least I hadn't been able to until recently. Through conversations with friends and my sister, I realize that sometimes I should just listen to the words that are coming out of my mouth and apply them to myself.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

all that business sounds good - stick to it and you're on your way. to what, who knows. but you're on your way! oh yeah - didja ever get laid? ~evan

9:18 PM  

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