For Those About To Rock!!!!!

You have my salute

Friday, May 06, 2005

Wear that sweater - uh, I don't think so

Okay - let's call a spade a spade here. As long as daniel doesn't have frequent regular access to email at his job this blog is going to turn into an all day work bitch session. Not that I really bitch about work that much in my emails to Daniel, it is just that they took up a lot of my otherwise not busy day. Since I am sure that most of you don't want to hear about my myriad of financial troubles or my feelings about the sex I had last night or will have tonight - this is what you get - work bitching. I hope you like it:

There is an "office sweater" for the creative services department. What is an "office sweater" you ask? It is one black stockinette stitch sweater that just sits in the office waiting for someone to get cold. I don't even want to think about how many people have worn this sweater over the years (it looks like it is from 1985 and may very well be), it makes my stomach turn. Everytime I make the slightest mention of it being chilly in the office, I immediately get "do you want to use the sweater?" No, I don't want to use the sweater - the mere suggestion makes me want to hurl.


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