For Those About To Rock!!!!!

You have my salute

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Such a bad girl

I am sitting in my work orientation in LA right now. I shouldn't be writing anything but since I was supposed to go to this my first two days of work but instead ended up doing it on my 24 and 25th days of work, I know already know everything that they are telling us.

I miss California so much right now - Denver just feels totally tainted to me. As I told mike the other day - Denver broke my knees and gave me diabetes - it's a real thug. LA is warm, sunny and relatively smog free. The buildings sparkle in the sun and I have found the traffic kind of charming. I know I am being too kind to LA but I love it on this trip like I never have before.

I am staying on the concierge floor of the Wilshire Grand. My hotel room is big but could be nicer - it's no hyatt. It is a junior suite with a king bed. I love king beds but it feels pretty empty all by myself. I am used to two people in a full size.

Daniel is watching the dogs and of course they kept him up all night. I feel so bad and I know I need to find time to work with the dogs more. They need a lot more of my time than I have been giving them.

My blood sugar was totally fucked this morning - highest it has been. I think it was because I was taking a little break from diabetes over the last few days. I am over that now - I am all about being healthy and getting that awesome boyfriend of mine healthier too. I worry about his penchant for fast food a lot. That shit is a killer.

The other night I was at Peter and Kirsten's reception and went on a little rant how unfair it is that I end up with diabetes while my obese mother can eat whole boxes of crackers every day. I know, I know - life isn't fair but it just seems like I am really getting dumped on lately. I am trying to stay upbeat but it is starting to get my down. How did I get here?


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