For Those About To Rock!!!!!

You have my salute

Thursday, March 25, 2004

"A compliment for us is a compliment for you"

I have decided that all of today's headings will be quotes from Singles, as a tribute to Cameron Crowe's much maligned and underappreciated film. Even he thinks it's no good and is sorry that he made it. While I agree that it is no Say Anything or Almost Famous, I think it is excellent. Though it would have been nice if Mr. Crowe had a little more respect for Seattle, geographically. I wish he would embrace it because I would love to have a special edition with commentary, even if all the commentary was "Holy shit! How could I have made a movie this bad?" Aside from giving me a pictorial representation of my high school years, it has a great nostalgic quality. Like a Frankie and Annette beach movie. I think that twenty years from now it will be a cult favorite.

"I want to be new to you. I want to be Mr. New" or "In a parallel universe we are probably a scorching couple"

Ever since I saw Eternal Sunshine (see monday's post in the archives) I have been thinking about this concept of erasing people from your memory. I think it could really come in handy and not just for failed relationships. I think it would work best for misdirected relationships - like when you date someone but realize that you would be better just as friends. Really it isn't very often that you can go back and be friends because the dating is already out there and you can't take it back. What if you could erase the dating and just leave a note for yourself about the friends thing? How handy. Or what if the opposite was true? You are friends with someone but had you met them at a different time or in a different way, they would be totally datable. Often this concept is a line, something one person tells another to make them feel better because they have no interest in dating them but occasionally it is actually true. So you leave a note, buy a hot dress, erase them and go for it. Of course, there would have to be a mutual erasure agreement as it would not work for only one party to erase. Then you would just look like an ass.

Speaking of lines, when I was on Nerve the other day, their featured sidebar personal ad had a girl who's quote was "I am the type of girl that guys don't want to date because it will ruin the friendship". Honey, that is a line. I wish I could have contacted her and let her know that everyone who told her that really just wasn't interested and putting it up on her personal just makes her look like a fool. Also why would you want to give people reasons not to date you? Isn't that the opposite of what you should be doing?

"I think that A. You have an act and B. Not having an act is your act"

Sometimes I don't like confrontation so instead of coming right out and saying what I want to say, I make a thousand little leading comments to point the person in the right direction. So I can illicit the correct response without having to say things that may be embarrassing or difficult for me. Like I want the other person to handle all the real icky details. I don't really know where I picked up this habit but not only is it unfair to person B in the conversation but it is mentally exhausting for me. Lately I have been working on just saying exactly what I mean and dealing with the consequences. So far it is working pretty well, I feel more relaxed. I am not ready to tackle everything that I can't say but I think most people have things that are left unsaid so that is normal.

"Somewhere around 25 bizarre becomes immature" or "You're a Realist slash Dreamer"

I find that as I get older, I am better able to focus my creative impulses into something really fun and good. When I was younger I would do a million crazy things but I was so scattered about it that I was constantly abandoning projects or just doing things half ass. Although I may do a lot less quirky stuff now, I feel like when I do it is a lot more fun and has a better outcome. The current exception being the half of an album the my semi-fake band The Prom from Detroit should be recording. It is discouraging for me when things don't sound the way I want them to sound, so I have kind of given up. I don't like being a quitter. I need to work on learning to play my guitar better, that will probably help things a bit.

One thing I really miss about San Francisco is that there were so many opportunities to make your own fun. While one would think that if you are making your own fun, you could do it anywhere, the truth is there just aren't as many outlets for fun making in Denver.

"Expect the Best"

Why is it that on Alias, where every gadget is the height of technology, they don't have cell phones with cameras? Every time they find a bomb they have to disable, they have to describe it to Marshall over the radio. Hello! If you had the $49.99 phone from T mobile, you could just send him a picture. I can't even count the number of times that a cell phone with a camera would have come in handy for Sydney. Maybe this oversight is supposed to be where fact meets fiction - it totally seems like something the real government would do. JJ Abrams, there are limits to which I can suspend my disbelief.


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