Wedding Thoughts
It occurred to me this morning while watching the news, that Katrina has totally derailed our honeymoon roadtrip plans . We are now leaning towards mexico or a cruise, though completely undecided either way. I spent some time this morning, while looking at cruise packages, reflecting on the weddings that I have been to and what I don't want mine to be. While it is my wedding and I wish to enjoy myself, I don't want to do it at the expense of other people. I don't understand why more people don't think like this - I mean, if you asked a large group of people to show up for any other occasion, you would do everything you could to make sure that they had a good time right? Why is this not the case at weddings?
For instance, I have been to more than one wedding where there has been, for lack of a better term, an "audience participation" component. As far as I am concerned, this is some sort of cruel and unusual punishment. I don't want to hold hands with my neighbor, I don't want to recite some sort of bullshit poem or other thing. If I wanted to do those things, I would go to a church. It makes me uncomfortable - not to mention the fact that it is boring as hell - I can't possibly be the only one, right? So if you are reading this and coming to my wedding, rest assured, there will be none of that garbage. I know some of you actually are breathing a sigh of relief as it would bug you as much as me. Here is another thing I promise you - you will never have to stand - you won't stand in a food line and you won't stand to watch me get married. Weddings are full of geriatrics - again, standing is just cruel. Why don't people think about these things? It is baffling.
I mean, I would love to have a roller skating wedding but again, it would be completely inconsiderate to those who can't or won't skate. I can have a fabulous time without it. Why does getting married seem to mean that you can fill any little whimsical desire without having to consider the gagillion people that have given time and money to be there?
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